Hello, great teachers!

Hello, I am Dr. Teri Evans-Palmer. In my teaching career, I served as a teacher educator, K-12 art teacher, school district visual arts coordinator, director of public information, and professional development leader for teachers and
art museum staff.
I developed teaching strategies with humor to help me survive and thrive in K-12 public school classrooms. When my doctoral research revealed that there is a significant relationship between good teachers and humor, I put all of the good stuff that helped me to teach well into a book for teachers. I hope to help teachers joyfully skip through tough times and engage their students in creative tasks with humor.
My professional development and continuing education sessions help teachers reset their point of view so they can enjoy teaching again by embracing playfulness, optimism, and resilience.
B.S. Art Education, Kutztown University
M.S. Art, Texas A&M University
Ph.D., University of the Incarnate Word
“Some college professors take themselves WAY too seriously . . . unless you are Dr. Teri Evans-Palmer, who can find the humor in everyday teaching moments. As we emerge from the dark days of a global pandemic, humor is something that helps humans connect, and is a skill that teachers desperately need to add to their tool kit for success.”
DR. CHRISTINA BAIN, Associate Chair, Department of Art and Art History, The University of Texas at Austin